Haiti Broilers
Sell, livestock feeds, day old chicks, started layer pullets, farm supplies, fertilizer, agriculture chemicals,

Port Au Prince, Haiti na
(509) 2813-2523
Larry Alexander
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Additional Information

Haiti Broilers is an agricultural company, Producing Broiler chicks, Hi-Pro livestock feeds and started layer pullets in Haiti. We sell agricultural supplies and tools,as well crop care chemicals, pesticides and fertilizer. We provide technical advice through a network of vets and agricultural technicians to farmers across Haiti. Products may be purchased direct from us or through a growing network of distributor stores country wide. WWW.haitibroilers.com, email lalexander@jabgl.com

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Reviews and Opinions :: Haiti Broilers...

Kevin Good day, dear Larry Alexander, This is Kevin from China, we are factory produing chicken raising equipment in China... see more
Reply · September 28 at 3:27 AM

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